NEWS SOURCE: Tellus Venture Associates

Pilot Project Approved for Implementation

SEASIDE, CA (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Tellus Venture Associates, in collaboration with Coast2Coast Technologies, completed a study for the City of Folsom, California that determined that a citywide WiMAX system is financially and technically feasible, and would help drive economic development. The conceptual system design and business case evaluation envisioned a low cost WiMAX system with a multi-layered business model that would enable public WiFi access, next generation municipal and corporate networking solutions, entrepreneurial ventures, and innovative applications for new communities of users, such as health care providers.

“A WiMAX system can potentially provide a significant competitive advantage to businesses in Folsom, and offer residents more convenience and flexibility in their lives,” said Joseph Luchi, Economic Development Coordinator for the City of Folsom. “We’re excited that local companies are already involved in the pilot project approved by the city council, and we’re looking forward to beginning the test.”

As a next step, the study recommended establishing a pilot project that would bring together interested organizations to deploy a pre-WiMAX network as a proof of concept for the system itself, as well as for various new technologies. The Folsom City Council reviewed the study and approved the recommendations on 8 November 2005.

Tellus Venture Associates is a consultancy focusing on business creation, development and analysis for the broadband, digital broadcasting and satellite communications industries. Clients include municipalities, private communities and new property developments, as well as firms in the satellite, Internet and consumer electronics industries, in North and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Pacific Rim.

Stephen A. Blum, a 30-year veteran of the broadcasting and telecommunications industry, is President of Tellus Venture Associates and is widely recognized as an expert in developing new broadband and satellite broadcasting ventures. He is a frequent contributor to professional journals and speaker at industry events, has authored definitive studies on satellite radio, television and Internet broadcasting, is Vice President ex officio of the Society of Satellite Professionals International and is a member of the New Zealand Wireless Data Forum.

The study is available at

News issued by: Tellus Venture Associates

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Original Story ID: (1001) :: 2005-11-1111-002

Original Keywords: Tellus Venture Associates, Stephen A. Blum, WiMAX Feasibility Study, Joseph Luchi, business creation, development and analysis for the broadband, digital broadcasting and satellite communications industries, SKYPAC Networks, Coast2Coast Tellus Venture Associates

NEWS SOURCE: Tellus Venture Associates | Published: 2005-11-11 12:38:00

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