Books and Publishing News - Page 15

Page 15 of Books and Publishing News issued by the Send2Press® Newswire service.

All of Us Know What It’s Like to Get Screwed in Business by Not Being Prepared or Aware

SEATTLE, Wash. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — ‘The Artist’s Guide to Success in the Music Business’ (ISBN: 978-1-935359-33-3) is now available from author Loren Weisman. The book is a detailed analysis of the subjects that all musicians should understand and apply in order to pursue a successful and sustainable career in music. Full of ideas and practical advice, this book provides comprehensive details on how to optimize success and achieve sustainability and self-empowerment in today’s music business.

An Evening with Terry McMillan in Washington D.C. to Discuss Waiting to Exhale Sequel ‘Getting to Happy’

WASHINGTON, D.C. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The Oracle Group announces that, on September 9, 2010 New York Times Best Selling Author Terry McMillan will discuss her highly anticipated sequel to Waiting to Exhale titled: ‘Getting to Happy’ (ISBN: 978-0670022045, Hardcover; Viking) in the only official book signing event planned for Washington D.C. Guests will enjoy an exclusive evening of readings and receive signed copies of her extraordinary follow-up novel.

Publishers Newswire Announces Q2-2010 ‘Books to Bookmark’ List of Interesting New Books

LOS ANGELES, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — For the second quarter of 2010, Publishers Newswire (PNW), an online resource established in 2004 for small publishers, as well as lesser known and first-time book authors, has today announced its latest semi-annual ‘Books to Bookmark’ list. This is a round-up of 9 new and recent books which may have been missed due to not originating from major New York book publishing houses, or big name authors.

A Revision of ‘Long Term Care Insurance at the Worksite’ Published; Includes 2010 Healthcare Reform Update

KIRKLAND, Wash. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Many companies seem conflicted by a key part of the recent Health Reform legislation, the CLASS Act, which will offer a form of long term care insurance for working people who may become disabled. ‘CLASS’ stands for Community Living Assistance Services and Supports; and the program, a legacy of the late Senator Edward Kennedy, is intended to offer new choice and security for millions now at risk.

Aubade Publishing Releases New Book That Recounts Nostalgic Tale of Small Town Dream

AMHERST, N.H. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — High school basketball took hold of one small town – Peerless, Montana – and author, Joe Puckett, recounts the story in ‘The Dream: The Story of the 1978 and 1979 Peerless Panthers’ (ISBN: 978-0-9845494-0-5), a new book published by Aubade Publishing.

2010 Long Term Care Guide Announced – Includes Healthcare Reform Update

KIRKLAND, Wash. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Many Americans seem confused and immobilized by a key part of the recent Health Reform legislation, the CLASS Act, which will offer a form of long term care insurance for working people and others who may become disabled. ‘CLASS’ stands for Community Living Assistance Services and Supports; and the program, a legacy of the late Senator Edward Kennedy, is intended to offer new choice and security for millions now at risk.

Music Industry Veterans Rave About Newly Released Book, ‘The Artist’s Guide to Success in the Music Business’

SEATTLE, Wash. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — ‘The Artist’s Guide to Success in the Music Business’ (ISBN: 978-1-935359-33-3) was just released by author Loren Weisman. The book is a detailed analysis of the subjects that all musicians should understand and apply in order to pursue a successful and sustainable career in music. Full of ideas and practical advice, this book provides comprehensive details on how to optimize success and achieve sustainability and self-empowerment in today’s music business.

Neotrope Joins Sponsors of Self-Publishers Online Conference 2010

TORRANCE, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Neotrope today announced it has joined in sponsoring the second annual Self-Publishers Online Conference (SPOC), a three-day virtual event that features a total of 15 expert speakers, and which will take place May 12-14, 2010. Neotrope’s Send2Press(R) Newswire service will be providing both promotional services for the event, as well as discounts on book promotion packages for attending book authors and small publishers.

Smart Imagination Releases its First Publication in the Tattoo Stories Book Series

COSTA MESA, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Smart Imagination, a creative house and publisher with a focal point of serving humanitarian efforts, today announces its debut book in the Tattoo Stories series benefiting Starlight Children’s Foundation. The art of tattoos has intrigued many people in various cultures around the world. ‘Tattoo Stories’ (ISBN: 978-0-9842417-0-5) not only addresses taboos plaguing the art form, but draws readers in for an intimate look at journeys, experiences and cultures.

Eularis Updates Reports That Help Pharmaceutical Companies Do More for Real Growth Than Simply Downsizing

LONDON, U.K. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The pharmaceutical industry is facing unprecedented challenges on many fronts – a slew of patient expiries, a lack of blockbusters in the pipeline to replace the patent expiries, decreasing growth in many major markets, generic competition, constantly changing regulatory and competitive environment rendering old tools for analysis obsolete, increased pressure on CEOs to deliver shareholder growth resulting in budget cuts, downsizing, and less than optimal results.

Publishers Newswire Announces its Newest ‘Books to Bookmark’ List for Q1 2010

TORRANCE, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — For the first quarter of 2010, Publishers Newswire (PNW), an online resource established in 2004 for small publishers, as well as lesser known and first-time book authors, has today announced its latest semi-annual ‘Books to Bookmark’ list. This is a round-up of 13 new and recent interesting books which are often missed due to not originating from major New York book publishing houses, or ‘big name’ authors.

Publishers Newswire Announces its Latest List of ‘Books to Bookmark’ for Q4 2009

REDONDO BEACH, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Publishers Newswire (PNW), an online resource established in 2004 for small publishers, as well as lesser known and first-time book authors, has announced its latest semi-annual ‘Books to Bookmark’ list, for the fourth quarter of 2009. This list is a round-up of new and interesting books (and e-books) which are often missed due to not originating from major New York book publishing houses, or big name authors.

Authoritative Guide to Long Term Care Insurance Now Available on Amazon’s Kindle and Apple’s iPhone

KIRKLAND, Wash. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Almost for sure, you or a family member will need expensive long term care someday. How will you pay for it? What public or private insurance options are available to you? Now you can get those answers on’s Kindle Wireless Reading Device and the Apple iPhone, through ‘Dignity for Life: Five Things You Should Know Before Considering Long Term Care Insurance.’ The new electronic publication is authored by LTC Financial Partners, LLC.

Living in Style in Spite of Needing Long Term Care – New Guidebook Shows How

KIRKLAND, Wash. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The good news is that Americans are living longer. The bad news is that millions are outliving their money; and when they need long term care, they face bleak prospects. According to a new guidebook from LTC Financial Partners, LLC (LTCFP), the unprepared are either forced to move into a nursing home funded by Medicaid, or to live with relatives who must disrupt their lives to care for them.

Publishers Newswire Announced Today its Latest List of Books to Bookmark, for Q3 2009

REDONDO BEACH, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Publishers Newswire, an online resource for small publishers, as well as lesser known and first-time book authors, has announced its latest semi-annual ‘Books to Bookmark’ list, for Q3 2009. This list is a round-up of new and interesting books which are often missed due to not originating from ‘big name’ authors, or major New York book publishing houses.

The Oracle Group Announces The NAACP Centennial Author Pavilion Themed 100 Years 100 Authors in New York City

WASHINGTON, D.C. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The NAACP Centennial Author Pavilion welcomes National Bestselling Authors, Diahann Carroll, Hill Harper, Chris Gardner, Tiki Barber, Terry McMillan, Carl Weber, Chef Jeff Henderson, Stephen L. Carter, Dr. Dorothy Height, Sharon Draper and Walter Mosley to New York City to Celebrate 100 Years of Bold Dreams and Big Victories. The NAACP Author Centennial Author Pavilion Themed ‘100 Years, 100 Authors’ will bring an exciting mix to New York City, July 13th through 15th, 2009.

New Art Book Combines Chaos, God and Sex with Digital Imaging: ‘Fractopia’ by Christopher Simmons

REDONDO BEACH, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Christopher Simmons’ ‘Fractopia’ (ISBN: 978-0-9710555-0-6, hardcover – limited edition, Neotrope Press), collects the best of Simmons’ abstract images created by combining fractal imagery with photographic effects, textures and hand-applied layers. This special edition includes a video DVD with slide show of all images found in the book. Some of the art has been called sexual in nature, including the piece called ‘godheart.’

Publishers Newswire Announced Today its Latest List of Books to Bookmark, for the First Half of 2009

REDONDO BEACH, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Publishers Newswire, an online resource for small publishers, as well as lesser known and first-time book authors, has announced its latest semi-annual ‘Books to Bookmark’ list, for the first half of 2009. This list is a round-up of new and interesting books which are often missed due to not originating from ‘big name’ authors, or major New York book publishing houses.

Neotrope Press Announces Publication of ‘Fractopia’ Art Book by Christopher Simmons

REDONDO BEACH, Calif., May 28 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Neotrope(R) Press announced today the publication of the limited edition of ‘Fractopia’ (ISBN: 978-0-9710555-0-6, hardcover), by digital artist Christopher Laird Simmons. The book collects the best of Simmons’ abstract images created by combining fractal imagery with photographic effects, textures and hand-applied layers. This special edition includes a video DVD with slide show of all images found in the book.

New Mystery Examines Women’s Oppression in Saudi Arabia

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., May 20 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Linbrook Press announces a new novel, ‘The Dawn of Saudi’ (ISBN: 978-0977-978-014), authored by Homa Pourasgari, scheduled to be released June 22, 2009. Homa had a desire to write a novel that would depict what life is like for women in Saudi Arabia. The Dawn of Saudi combines real-life turmoil with a fictional tale.

New Edition of Medicaid Planning Book Features Two New Chapters on Veterans Benefits

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Phylius Press, publisher of the leading book on how to qualify for nursing home Medicaid coverage, has announced a new affiliation with author Thomas Day of the National Care Planning Council. Mr. Day has contributed two new chapters on veterans benefits for nursing home residents to the recently published third edition (2009) of Phylius Press’s flagship book, ‘How to Protect Your Family’s Assets from Devastating Nursing Home Costs: Medicaid Secrets,’ (ISBN 9780979080142) by attorney K. Gabriel Heiser.

Wham Bang Comics Debuts The Legend of Night Owl

FORT WORTH, Texas, Jan. 22 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Give Jake Tinsley five minutes and he’ll sell you his latest comic book. It doesn’t matter where you meet Jake: on an airplane; in a restaurant; in the halls of his middle school. At 14, Jake is one of the youngest comic book writers in the U.S. and has more than a year of sales experience under his belt. He has authored five comic books and 20 comic strips, launched art shows at three galleries, and served as an expert panelist during a comic book convention in Las Vegas.

EMRG Media, LLC Has the Inside Scoop on New York City Event and Party Planning Venues

NEW YORK, N.Y., Jan. 15 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — EMRG Media, LLC, New York City’s premier event planning company, announced today the release of its updated ‘NYC Venue Guide.’ The guide is designed to help people plan the perfect NYC party or event. The NYC Venue Guide is currently used by top New York event planners, marketers and publicists; it offers tremendous venue variety and there are venues to meet every budget – large and small.

Publishers Newswire Announces its Latest List of Books to Bookmark, for Q4/2008

REDONDO BEACH, Calif., Dec. 31 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Publishers Newswire, an online resource for small publishers, as well as lesser known and first-time book authors, has announced its latest quarterly Books to Bookmark list, for Q4/2008. This list, started in 2005, is a round-up of new and interesting books which are often missed due to not originating from big name authors, or major New York book publishing houses.

Publishers Newswire Announced Today its Latest List of Books to Bookmark, for Q3/2008

REDONDO BEACH, Calif., Oct. 2 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Publishers Newswire, an online resource for small publishers, as well as lesser known and first-time book authors, has announced its latest quarterly ‘Books to Bookmark’ list, for Q3/2008. This list is a round-up of new and interesting books which are often missed due to not originating from ‘big name’ authors, or major New York book publishing houses.

Publishers Newswire Announced Today its Latest List of Books to Bookmark

REDONDO BEACH, Calif., July 11 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Publishers Newswire, an online resource for small publishers and first-time book authors, has announced its latest quarterly ‘Books to Bookmark’ list, for Q2/2008. This list is a roundup of new and interesting books which are often missed due to their nature of not originating from ‘name’ authors, or major publishing houses.

Long Term Care Newsletter Helps Preserve Solvency and Sanity While Caring for Loved One

KIRKLAND, Wash., Feb. 27 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — If you suddenly have to care for an incapacitated parent or spouse, the impact can be life-changing. Rising care costs can devour your estate or inheritance. And your loved one’s daily needs can make you into a full-time caregiver. ‘But it doesn’t have to be that way,’ says Jonas Roeser, Senior Vice President of Marketing & Operations for LTC Financial Partners.

Wham Bang Comics Debuts Two-Fisted Adventures #1

LAKE WORTH, Texas – Nov. 6 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Thirteen-year-old Jake Tinsley will realize a lifelong dream this week when a character he invented as a young boy debuts in a new comic book published by Galveston-based Wham Bang Comics. The 50-page book houses Jake’s comic, Night Owl, and three other titles.

Concise Guide to Long Term Care Insurance, Authored by LTC Financial Partners, Now Available on for $8.95

KIRKLAND, Wash. – June 21 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Will you or a family member need expensive long term care someday? Almost for sure, and you could pay big-time if you’re not properly insured. You probably know you should look into long term care insurance, but if you’re like most people, you don’t want to think about it just yet.

New Book Spills the Beans on How to Protect Family Assets from Nursing Home Costs

BOULDER, Colo. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Nursing home costs are skyrocketing to an average of $75,000 per year and a new book – ‘How to Protect Your Family’s Assets from Devastating Nursing Home Costs: Medicaid Secrets’ (Phylius Press, ISBN: 978-0-9790801-1-1) – teaches people how to qualify for Medicaid to get these expenses paid.

Neotrope Announces the Relaunch of Online News and Lifestyle Magazine eNewsChannels

TORRANCE, Calif. – Dec. 1 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Neotrope(R), a 24 year old entertainment, publishing, brand marketing and content company, announced today the formal re-launch of its online news and lifestyle magazine, eNewsChannels(TM). The publication (at features articles on social issues, personal well being, and entertainment. Selected news stories from the offbeat to the fascinating are included. The publication is edited by veteran journalist Christopher Laird Simmons, with a varied list of storied contributors.

New Work of Fiction, ‘Lemon Curd’, Follows Implications of Office Relationship

LOS ANGELES, Calif. – Oct. 12 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Linbrook Press today announced the publication of ‘Lemon Curd’ (ISBN 10: 0-9779780-0-1), a fictional tale of love and loyalty by first time author Homa Pourasgari. The author infuses Lemon Curd with morals and ethical standards as demonstrated by the internal struggle of the main characters, taking place in two transcontinental cities, Los Angeles and London.

Books to Bookmark: 13 New Books Worth a Look for Spring 2006

REDONDO BEACH, CA – May 5 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Publishers Newswire ( announced today 13 new books ‘worth a look,’ announced during Spring 2006. Titles include ‘Absolute Sudoku’ by Masha Zager, learn sudoku puzzles with the guidance you always wanted; health expert Paul Harris, releases ‘Superior Health Doctor Bernard Jensen’s Way’; and ‘Soccer Made Easy for Americans’ by H. Steven Robertson, a ‘how-to’ book for kids and coaches of kids.

Books to Bookmark: 12 New Books Worth a Look for Jan. 2006

REDONDO BEACH, CA – Feb. 6 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Publishers Newswire ( announced today 12 new books ‘worth a look,’ announced during January 2006. Topics include ‘The Little Entrepreneur – Takes Flight’ by Michael Harper and Jay Arrington designed to teach kids how to turn their hobbies into businesses; Penny Webster’s ‘Allergy Free For All Ages: Milk-free, Egg-free, Nut-free Recipes’ offers safe food alternatives that are delicious enough to satisfy the whole family; and Riley Books has released the first book dedicated entirely to the travel options surrounding the city of Loreto in Baja, Mexico.

Books to Bookmark(TM) – 9 New Books and 2 Calendars Worth a Look for Nov. 2005

REDONDO BEACH, CA – Dec. 6 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Publishers Newswire announced today 9 new books and 2 calendars for 2006 ‘worth a look,’ announced during November 2005. Topics include a book on Indy 500 Rookie Star Danica Patrick, a financial investment book explaining how Japanese candlestick signals improve technical analysis, Dennis Rodman says he’s ‘lucky to be alive’ in a new book, and gorgeous geek girls prove that frumps don’t dominate the computer industry.

Family Run Restaurant’s Self-Published Cookbook Makes Best Seller List

OWENSBORO, KY – Nov. 17 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — At No. 15, Moonlite Bar-B-Q Inn’s cookbook: ‘Family Favorites From Moonlite, Recipes That Founded A Kentucky Tradition’ ($18.95, ISBN: 097668960X), was a hit at Kentucky’s Book Fair. Kentucky’s 24th annual book fair hosted 180 authors and 480 books. Moonlite’s journey to become one of the best sellers at the Kentucky Book Fair began years before.

Neotrope Chosen as Agency of Record for

TORRANCE, Calif. – Nov. 7 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Neotrope(R), a leading advertising, PR, and Internet Marketing firm established 1983, today announced it has been chosen by, to act as the agency of record for the company’s PR and marketing efforts. As part of the agreement, Neotrope will help market the new book ‘Way of the Baby: A Book of Five Grins’ (ISBN: 0595358853) written by SamuraiBaby’s Brian Hutchins, and related ‘Samurai Baby’ customized art and gift items, and act as media liaison.

Books to Bookmark(TM) – 11 New Books Worth a Look for Oct. 2005

REDONDO BEACH, CA – Nov. 3 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Publishers Newswire ( announced today 11 new books ‘worth a look,’ announced during October 2005. Topics include a book on managing your digital music library by Richard Mansfield; a new astrology and diet book by TV personality Maria Shaw; and a book that celebrates the career of NBA great Reggie Miller.

Roundup of 10 New Book Releases for September 2005

REDONDO BEACH, Calif. – Oct. 3 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Publishers Newswire announced today 10 new books of note, released during September 2005. Book topics include the ‘Teenagers Guide to the Beatles’ by Zane Lalani; ‘The Savvy Guide to Home Security’ by John Mueller; ‘TVtherapy’ by Beverly West and Jason Bergund; and ‘Haul Away! Teambuilding Lessons from a Voyage Around Cape Horn,’ by Rob Duncan.

Roundup of 13 New Book Releases for August 2005

REDONDO BEACH, Calif. – September 3 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Publishers Newswire ( announced today 13 new books of note, released during August 2005. Book topics include the nature of reality in ‘Paradox’ by Jane Weir; ‘The Evolution Diet” by JSB Morse; an autobiography of the ‘wizard of weed’ in ‘9021Grow’ by CraigX; evidence proving pre-Columbian Chinese maritime survey of the world in ‘The 1421 Heresy’ by Anatole Andro; and author Waymon Lefall brings a missing piece of African American history to his children’s book ‘The Legend of Jocko.’