Business News - Page 246

Page 246 of Business News issued by the Send2Press® Newswire service.

Wham Bang Comics Debuts Two-Fisted Adventures #1

LAKE WORTH, Texas – Nov. 6 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Thirteen-year-old Jake Tinsley will realize a lifelong dream this week when a character he invented as a young boy debuts in a new comic book published by Galveston-based Wham Bang Comics. The 50-page book houses Jake’s comic, Night Owl, and three other titles.

Subscribers to Telecommunication Services Continues Growing in 2007, Says Insight Research

BOONTON, N.J. – Nov. 1 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — While industry consolidation has wrought major changes in the U.S. telecommunications industry service provider segments, the wireless carriers stand out as clear winners, though all segments continue to add new subscribers, says a new report from Insight Research. The wireless companies will be adding new subscribers at a rate nearly double the overall telecommunications subscriber growth rate.

Residential Phone Customers’ Move to Cable Calling Means Phone Companies Lose $8 Billion Over Five Years, Says Insight Research Corp.

BOONTON, N.J. – Oct. 30 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The top 11 cable operators continue to grab share of the residential phone markets, a move that will cost the incumbent phone companies nearly eight billion dollars over the next five years, says a new market research report from Insight Research Corp.

Service Providers Cut Application Connectivity CAPEX / OPEX Using Application Session Controllers, says Insight Research White Paper

BOONTON, N.J. – Oct. 15 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Service Providers continue to look for new cost effective means for efficient and effective application-to-network connectivity. As a result, hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent by Service Providers to connect or migrate existing applications as well as build new applications to retain customers and enhance meaningful ARPU across their networks. According to a new white paper by Insight Research, Application Session Controllers (ASCs) are an important new approach.

RenderX Releases a New Product – Visual-XSL (VisualXSL 1.5)

PALO ALTO, Calif. – Oct. 2 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — RenderX, a market leader in ‘XML to PDF’ and ‘XML to PostScript’ technology, officially released a new software product Visual-XSL (VisualXSL). The VisualXSL application is a powerful tool that can be used in all business applications where forms need to be filled in.

Consumers Adopting Dual Mode Phones for Fixed Mobile Convergence While Enterprises Lag Behind, says Insight Research

BOONTON, N.J. – Oct. 2 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Led by consumer demand, fixed mobile convergence (FMC) is taking off around the world, even as businesses watch from the sidelines, says a new study from Insight Research. According to the new market research report, over the next five years FMC will generate more than $35 billion in revenue for service providers and hardware vendors. Honoured with 2007 CRM Market Award

TORONTO, Canada – Sept. 5 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) —, the leading online marketplace that connects buyers and sellers of voice over and voice acting services, was named a winner in CRM Magazine’s 2007 CRM Market Awards. CRM magazine and the sixth annual CRM Market Awards honored the companies that focused on creating and cultivating rewarding customer experiences.

Peer-to-Peer and File Sharing Services Revenue Will Reach $28 Billion Over Five Years, Says Insight Research Corp.

BOONTON, N.J. – Aug. 22 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The worldwide market for peer-to-peer and file sharing services is expected to generate $28 billion in revenue for carriers and ISPs over the next four years. According to a new market research study from The Insight Research Corporation, peer-to-peer and file sharing services are widely available on fixed line and mobile networks.

SecuGen Partners with M2SYS’ Award Winning Bio-Plugin(TM) Solution

SANTA CLARA, Calif. – Aug. 21 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — SecuGen, a world leading optical fingerprint recognition technology company, announced today its partnership with M2SYS Technology, a biometric technology research and development firm, to support their award winning Bio-Plugin(TM) software that allows software developers to rapidly integrate a complete, server-based, turn-key fingerprint software system with hardly any development effort.

Culinary Pro Trades Knives for Laptop

ASHEVILLE, N.C. – Aug. 10 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Write Away, Inc., a full-service editorial company, announces today that a 20-plus year chef and culinary professional joins their creative team to meet the growing demands of businesses pertaining to the food industry. The company specializes in writing about the food and beverage industry.

Wireless Backhaul Driving Demand for Private Line Services, Says Insight Research Corporation

BOONTON, N.J. – Aug. 2 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The $40 billion private line services market is posting solid growth for the second year in a row, says a market analysis study from Insight Research. Private lines are point-to-point circuits leased by enterprises from telecommunications carriers in order to link enterprise sites to each other and to the Internet. Private lines are also used by cellular carriers to link their towers to land line networks.

Presence-Based Services Including Instant Messaging and Push to Talk Will Reach Nearly $23 Billion in 2007, Says Insight Research Corp.

BOONTON, N.J. – July 26 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The worldwide market for presence-based telecommunication services, including Instant Messaging (IM) and Push-to-Talk (PTT), is expected to reach nearly $23 billion in 2007 as an ever increasing number of cellular and wireline carriers provide customized services predicated upon the availability of their end-users. According to a new market research study from The Insight Research Corporation, presence-based telecommunication services such as IM and PTT are wildly popular in Asian countries.

Location Based Services Spending in 2007 Nearly $1.5 Billion, Says Insight Research

BOONTON, N.J. – July 12 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The worldwide market for location-based telecommunication services is expected to reach nearly $1.5 billion in 2007 as an ever increasing number of cellular and other wireless carriers provide customized services based upon a location-awareness of their end-users. According to a new market research study from The Insight Research Corporation, location-based telecommunication services are most popular in Asia.

Carrier Ethernet Market Expected to Reach $1.4 Billion says Insight Research

BOONTON, N.J. – June 18 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The Carrier Ethernet market is expected to grow from $1.4 billion in 2007 to nearly $6 billion in 2012, according to a new market research study from The Insight Research Corporation. With metro-area Ethernet services now available from virtually all major data service providers and wide-area Ethernet about to get a shot in the arm from the dominant carriers, the market is poised to take off.

More than $1 Billion Being Spent on Consumer Video Telephone Services, Says Insight Research

BOONTON, N.J. – June 13 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The market for residential video telephony services is expected to break the billion dollar barrier for the first time this year, as an increasing number of households as well as individual cell phone users around the world start making video phone calls. According to the study, nearly $1.1 billion will be spent on residential video telephony services worldwide in 2007, says The Insight Research Corporation.

To Stay Profitable Telecom Providers Will Outsource More Than $1 Trillion over Five Years

BOONTON, N.J. – June 6 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — With increased competition and lower-margin products cutting into their profitability, wireline and wireless carriers will be spending nearly $1.4 trillion over the next five years on outsourced services in order to reduce costs, says a new market research report from Insight Research Corp. By the close of 2007 alone, wireline and wireless carriers will be spending more than $198 billion on outsourced services worldwide.

Wireless Enterprise Applications Will Generate $66 Billion Over Five Years, Says Insight Research Corp.

BOONTON, N.J. – May 3 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The transformation of various enterprise applications from fixed to mobile access technology will generate more than $66 billion in carrier service revenue over the next five years, says a new market research report from Insight Research Corp.

Webcast to Help Companies Cope with Absenteeism, Attrition, and Reduced Productivity Associated with the Aging of the American Workforce

KIRKLAND, Wash. – Apr. 16 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — On April 24th at 1 PM (Eastern Time) LTC Financial Partners, the nation’s most experienced long term care insurance brokerage, will sponsor a webcast titled ‘Helping Employees and Pre-Retirees: Managing Productivity and Finances.’

The Magic of Ownership: Why Top Long Term Care Insurance Agents Are Flocking to LTC Financial Partners

KIRKLAND, Wash. – Apr. 10 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — On March 15th LTC Financial Partners, the nation’s most experienced long term care insurance brokerage, paid its owners over $1,000,000 in dividends. So? Consider who the owners are: the agents who place the business!

Cable TV Operators Targeting Small Business Phone Customers Means Phone Companies Lose $4 Billion Over Five Years, Says Insight Research Corp.

BOONTON, N.J. – Apr. 4 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The top 20 cable operators are ramping up to grab a slice of the lucrative small business phone market, a move that could cost incumbent phone companies more than four billion dollars over the next five years, says a new market research report from Insight Research Corp.

Desire2Learn and Respondus Collaborate to Increase Security in Online Assessment

REDMOND, Wash. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Respondus Inc., a leading provider of assessment tools for learning management systems in higher education, and Desire2Learn Inc., a leading provider of mission-critical enterprise eLearning solutions today announced the integration of Respondus LockDown Browser with the Desire2Learn Learning Environment to offer increased security for online testing.

Content Protection Digital Rights Management Market Spending Exceeds $9 Billion Over Five Years, Says Insight Research Corp.

BOONTON, N.J. – Mar. 14 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Spending on digital rights management (DRM) software and hardware to protect entertainment, commercial software, and other information will exceed $9 billion dollars over the next five years, says a new market research report from Insight Research Corp. By the close of 2007, total worldwide spending on DRM will reach just over $1 billion.

Corporate Telecom Spending Highest for Cellular, Says Insight Research

BOONTON, N.J. – Jan. 18 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Spending by businesses on wireless services accounted for over one-third of the corporate bill for telecommunication services in 2006, says a new market research report from Insight Research. By the close of 2006, total US business spending on telecommunications services reached just over $132 billion, and by 2011 business spending is forecasted to grow to nearly $154 billion, according to the new research study.

Public Ethernet Services Poised for Growth Spurt in 2007, says Insight Research

BOONTON, N.J. – Dec. 19 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The US public Ethernet services market is expected to grow from $940 million in 2006 to over $5 billion in 2012, according to a new market research study from The Insight Research Corporation. With metro-area Ethernet services now available from virtually all major data service providers and wide-area Ethernet about to get a shot in the arm from the dominant carriers, the market is poised to take off.

New Profit-Boosting Tool for Human Resource Managers – Long Term Care Educational Program that Could Add Millions to Bottom Lines

KIRKLAND, Wash. – Oct. 31 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — A new tool called the LTC Outreach and Education Program(TM) (LTCOEP(TM)) promises to help human resource managers change their departments from cost centers to profit centers. The program does its bottom-line magic by helping employees cope with the productivity-draining prospect of caring for family members, such as aging parents, who can no longer care for themselves.

Internet-Enabled Consumer Telecom Services Will Generate $265 Billion Over Five Years, says Insight Research

BOONTON, N.J. – Oct. 30 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — A wide array of new Internet-enabled communications services geared to the needs of consumers is expected to generate nearly $265 billion for phone companies and other telecommunications carriers worldwide over the next five years, according to a new market research study from The Insight Research Corporation. These new Internet-enabled services include: residential video telephony; fixed-mobile convergence; file sharing services; streaming services; location-based services; and presence-based services.

Moonlite Bar-B-Q Serves Up Kentucky Tradition and The Best Barbecue In The State

OWENSBORO, Ky. – Sept. 28 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The Moonlite Bar-B-Q Inn, a Kentucky tradition in Owensboro since 1963, was voted the best Barbecue in Kentucky by ‘Kentucky Monthly’ for the third straight year and the fifth out of the last seven years.

Hispanics and Other Ethnic Markets Account for One-Third of Consumer Spending on Telecommunications, says Insight Research

BOONTON, N.J. – Sept 18 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — In 2006, US ethnic communities account for one-third of every dollar spent on consumer telecommunications services, according to a new market research study from The Insight Research Corporation. The largest minority group, Hispanics, representing nearly 44 percent of the U.S. minority population, spend the most. The ability to tap into the increased spending power of the Hispanic-American, African-American, and Asian-American communities will be crucial to the survival of telecommunications providers over the next five years.

AMT Datasouth Begins Shipping Fastmark M2 Portable Printer

CAMARILLO, Calif., Sept. 12 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — AMT Datasouth Corp., a leading supplier of value added printing solutions, announced today that the Fastmark M2 battery powered portable thermal bar code printer is now available. The Fastmark M2 is supplied with AMT Datasouth’s proven proprietary PAL programming language.

Healthcare Industry Accelerates Wireless Adoption as Spending on all Telecommunications Services Hits $43 Billion Over Next Five Years, Says Insight Research

BOONTON, NJ – Aug. 18 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The $2 trillion ecosystem of hospitals, physicians, pharmaceutical companies, and insurance providers will be spending nearly $43 billion on telecommunications services over the next five years, with wireless services used by hospitals and physicians showing the fastest growth, says a new market research study released by the Insight Research Corporation.

IObit Challenges Microsoft’s OneCare Service with Technically Savvy and Alternative Freeware

CHENGDU, China (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — IObit is excited to release a second version of their flagship product – Advanced WindowsCare v2 Personal – and are prepared to go head-to-head with Microsoft’s OneCare. The freeware, which is a new Beta version – Advanced WindowsCare v2 Personal – is a comprehensive PC care tool that takes an integrated approach to help protect, repair and optimize computers.

Telecommunications Private Line Market Begins Growing Again, says Insight Research Corporation

BOONTON, NJ – July 14 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — After years of contraction, the market for private line services began growing again in 2006, signaling the start of a long anticipated recovery in this $36 billion telecommunications segment, says a market analysis study from Insight Research. Private lines are point-to-point circuits leased by enterprises from telecommunications carriers in order to link enterprise sites to each other and to the Internet.

New Lottery Pooling Ticket Gives Players More Chances to Win and Boosts States’ Revenues

PHOENIX, AZ – July 10 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — A lottery-products company, Relationship Marketing Systems, LLC (RMS), located in Phoenix, believes they have the answer to every state’s sagging, online-lottery sales and lottery player disenchantment with the high odds against winning – it’s called PoolingPLUS(TM).

Market Acceptance of Grid Computing Continues As the Technology Enters Commercial Mainstream, says Insight Research

BOONTON, NJ – June 22 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Grid computing has penetrated well beyond the large research institutions that first developed the techniques required to virtualize computing resources and has entered the early adoption phase of mainstream commercial computing, says a new market research study released by the Insight Research Corporation.

Three Telecommunications Networks Now Thrive, But Only One to Survive, Says Insight Research

BOONTON, NJ – June 13 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The wireless, Internet and phone networks that presently comprise the global telecommunications infrastructure will generate nearly $1.2 trillion in revenue this year, but according to a new market analysis report from Insight Research, there is a very real possibility that by the close of 2011 one of the three networks may come to dominate the others and thereby change the telecommunications revenue picture completely.

New Service Will Support ‘Long Term Living,’ an Alternative to Yesterday’s Long Term Care

KIRKLAND, WA – May 23 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — LTC Financial Partners, a leading long term care insurance broker, and Interim HealthCare, a leading provider of home care services, are joining forces to reshape long term care. The two companies will help longer-living Americans keep on living at home in spite of disabilities that now banish millions to nursing homes.

IP TV, Streaming Movie and Music Revenue Set to Explode, says Insight Research

BOONTON, NJ – Apr. 21 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Streaming video and music distributed across the Internet or directly to a mobile handset is fast becoming a mainstream entertainment delivery vehicle that will generate more than $27 billion in network-derived and content-derived revenue into the US markets by 2011, according to a new market research study from The Insight Research Corporation.

Hot New Company Profit Booster: Long Term Care Insurance

KIRKLAND, WA – Apr. 4 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — For working Americans and their employers, caring for an incapacitated parent or spouse can be expensive. ‘It’s costing an estimated $659,000 over the lifetime of each and every employee,’ says Cameron Truesdell, CEO of LTC Financial Partners, publisher of a new guidebook on the subject. That figure includes time spent away from work caring for family members, lost wages, and lost contributions to Social Security and pensions. In addition, companies suffer from reduced productivity as employees worry about their loved one or rush off to handle emergencies. Talent pools drain as a firm’s most seasoned people leave to become full-time caregivers.

HostBridge Technology Granted U.S. Patent on Integration for CICS Applications; Patent Covers Innovative XML-based Approach

STILLWATER, OK – Mar. 22 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — HostBridge Technology, a provider of integration software that XML-enables CICS Transaction Server applications, today announced it has been granted U.S. Patent Number 6,981,257 B2 on the techniques underlying its primary software product – also referred to as HostBridge.

Corporate Phone Bills Now One-Third Cellular, Says Insight Research

BOONTON, NJ – Mar. 17 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Spending by businesses on wireless telecommunications services accounted for nearly one-third the corporate bill for telecommunication services in 2005, says a new market research report from Insight Research. By the close of 2005, total US business spending on telecommunications services reached just over $132 billion, and by 2010 business spending is forecasted to grow to nearly $150 billion, according to the new research study.