New York Business News - Page 40

Page 40 of New York Business News issued by the Send2Press® Newswire service.

Barbaro to be Remembered with Statue in Central Park

NEW YORK, N.Y. – Jan. 23 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — A statue of Kentucky Derby winner Barbaro will be unveiled at the Central Park South location where a carriage horse was tragically killed last year. The unveiling will correspond with the introduction of a proposal titled Barbaro’s Law, urging the mandatory disclosure of race-related horse injuries and fatalities. ‘The Barbaro Memorial’ by controversial sculptor Daniel Edwards, courtesy of Manhattan’s Leo Kesting Gallery, will be unveiled April 30th, the week of the 134th Kentucky Derby.

CNBC Stocking Stuffer List Begins with Quik Pod(R)

BUFFALO, N.Y. – Dec. 14 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Quik Pod(R), created by Fromm Works Inc., the world’s first handheld extendable tripod, begins the list of CNBC’s ‘Pogue’s Holiday Gadget Picks List’ as selected by David Pogue, the personal technology columnist for The New York Times.

Voice Coaches Partners with to Build Successful Voice Acting Careers

NEW YORK, N.Y. – Dec. 12 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Voice Coaches, a voice over educational institution based in Schenectady, NY, has implemented a perfect way for their graduates to start their voice acting careers off by partnering with, the industry’s online marketplace. Already trained and armed with a voice over demo, the grads from Voice Coaches will be able to manage their own website at Empowers All With Free PENSION INSPECTOR Resource

NEW YORK, N.Y., Nov. 28 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — AtPrime Media, Inc. the sponsor of, one of the top age 50+ web services, announced today an addition to its highly valued consumer resource THE PENSION HELPER, a new free service entitled THE PENSION INSPECTOR.

New Report Examines Pharmaceutical Sales Force Effectiveness

LONDON, U.K. and NEW YORK, N.Y. – Nov. 20 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — With the ever-increasing pressure to ensure maximum return on investment, sales force effectiveness is becoming a high priority in the global pharmaceutical industry. Reports have shown that while sales forces represent the largest spend in pharma sales and marketing, return on this investment has declined sharply in recent years.

MEDIA ALERT: Eularis to Address Marketing Return at Pharmaceutical Marketing Society Half-day Conference: ROI or RIP?

NEW YORK, N.Y. and LONDON, U.K. – Nov. 20 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Dr. Andree Bates, president of the pharmaceutical analytics company Eularis, will be delivering a presentation on marketing return at the Pharmaceutical Marketing Society Half-day Conference: ROI or RIP. At 2:30 p.m. on Monday 26 November 2007, Dr. Bates will deliver a presentation titled, ‘What Can Be Measured?’

Artist Protests ‘Iraq War Apathy’ with Prince Harry Statue – Sculptor Daniel Edwards to Unveil Latest Political Spectacle in London

NEW YORK and LONDON, England – Oct. 3 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Prince Harry is the symbolic hero of a monument encouraging empathy for the Iraq War in the latest work by controversial New York sculptor, Daniel Edwards. The statue featuring Prince Harry will be unveiled at London’s Trafalgar Hotel October 11th during the Bridge Art Fair, courtesy of Capla Kesting Fine Art of Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

‘Paris Hilton Autopsy’ Educates New York City Teens – Interactive Drunk Driving PSA Promotes Safe Prom

NEW YORK, N.Y. – Apr. 26 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Paris Hilton’s naked ‘corpse’ could provide an invaluable service to students preparing for prom this season. An interactive Public Service Announcement featuring the graphic display of a tiara-wearing, autopsied Paris Hilton with removable innards is designed to warn teenagers of the hazards of underage drinking. The display also features Tinkerbell, Hilton’s forlorn pet Chihuahua with matching tiara, and debuts in the trendy Williamsburg, Brooklyn neighborhood where prom-goers frequently dine, courtesy of Capla Kesting Fine Art.

Castro’s ‘Last Visit’ to Central Park: ‘Deathbed Portrait’ of Fidel as Humanitarian Goes on Display in NY

NEW YORK, N.Y. – Oct. 24 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Capla Kesting Fine Art announced that an unveiling in Central Park of Fidel Castro on his ‘deathbed’ may be the last opportunity to say ‘farewell’ to the man some revere as a champion of civil rights. ‘Fidel Castro’s Deathbed Portrait,’ described as a colossal portrait of a solemn Castro at rest, will be unveiled at 10:00 am November 8th, just north of the monument for Cuban poet, Jose Marti.

TomKat Skat Relisted on eBay – TomKitten’s ‘First Poop’ in Bronze is the ShaTizzle for Charity

NEW YORK, N.Y. – Sept. 1 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The Capla Kesting Gallery announced today that the Daniel Edwards sculpture of Suri Cruise’s first poop in bronze, which has been covered internationally in the press this week and was the most e-mailed photo on Yahoo! on Thursday, is now back on eBay. The auction will benefit the March of Dimes charity.

Controversial Sculptor Daniel Edwards Inspired by TomKat Child’s First Meal

NEW YORK, N.Y. – Aug. 29 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Today, the Capla Kesting Fine Art gallery in New York announced the latest work by noted sculptor Daniel Edwards, famous for his celebrity-inspired themes, which depicts an interpretive ‘bronze casting of Suri Cruise’s first poop.’ The natural and inoffensive sculpture in bronze will be on display at the gallery in September and auctioned on eBay for the March of Dimes charity.

Alleged Suri Cruise’s Baby Poop Bronzed for Charity – Healthy ‘Evidence’ of Tom and Katie’s Baby Goes on eBay

BROOKLYN, N.Y. – Aug. 28 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Bronzed baby shoes are out, and bronzed baby poop is in, for Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes as they celebrate baby’s ‘first poop.’ The commemoration of baby Suri Cruise’s first poop strives to be the evidence of her existence for a public yet to see photos of the superstar couple’s four month old infant. The sclupture, ‘Suri Cruise commissioned bronzed baby poop’ goes on display August 30th at Capla Kesting Fine Art in Brooklyn’s Williamsburg gallery district and will be offered on eBay with the proceeds to benefit the March of Dimes.

Dedication Honors Nude Britney Spears Giving Birth

BROOKLYN, NY – Mar. 22 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — A nude Britney Spears on a bearskin rug while giving birth to her firstborn marks a ‘first’ for Pro-Life. Pop-star Britney Spears is the ‘ideal’ model for Pro-Life and the subject of a dedication at Capla Kesting Fine Art in Brooklyn’s Williamsburg gallery district, in what is proclaimed the first Pro-Life monument to birth, in April.

‘Death Mask’ of Baseball Star’s Severed Head Featured in Exhibit – Ted Williams’ Life or Death Controversy Resurrected

NEW YORK, NY – August 25 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — What would be the ultimate prize for a big-game collector of memorabilia from a larger-than-life sports legend? Curious gallery goers may find an answer in the new exhibit titled The Ted Williams Memorial Display with Death Mask from The Ben Affleck 2004 World Series Collection, hosted by the Chelsea district’s First Street Gallery. The gallery kicks off its season with the world premier unveiling of the ‘death mask’ of baseball great Ted Williams’ clinically decapitated frozen head.